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Affiliates Manxin DAC07 Felixia Hendri Huiyan Malcolm Regina Ruizhen Sheery Yesheng Tingfang Yipeng Joanne Thomas Nichole Alicia Jessie Muiling Cindy Gina Matus Jonathan Bengkai Ruihon Xueer Yansoon Shuting May Sarah Jeremy Delconi Huixian Jasmine Laihuan Ezen |
Friday, June 29, 2007
mst finally over .. lol! went to kbox yesterday.. omg my first time to kbox sia .. so suaku =.=! signed up for the kbox member card .. duno y hor .. nowdays i go anyshop.. always kena harass to join their member .. i look very rich huh? LOL now i got kbox n partyworld de membership card le .. muhahaha and oh btw! i recorded 1 song during the kbox session! zhuan shu tian shi! sang by me! who want msn mi i send u ! wahahaha! got 1 part zao sia lar! tink i ate too much kfc le lol! .. going to shop for a new wallet soon .. e current 1 looks too bulky .... =.= .. any brand to recommend? lol ! wa sian sia .. now i doing fom alone at home.. soo lonely~~ im sooo lonely~ >.<.. tried to call binbin just now to tell him some stuff regarding the fom project .. omg .. was quite shocked cus a auntie picked up the phone! bleh!! this is our convo shuai DvD: halo! auntie: huh? who are u? shuai DvD: err .. who are u? may i speak to binbin? auntie:huh? binbin? ohh u looking for rose ah...? shuai DvD: *WTH* *press end call* omg .. i didnt noe binbin has such a gay name LOL.. rose...... errrrrrrr .... ahhhh....... i go suicide le .. bye~ ::::: oh ya.. no naruto today~ dun bother go youtube find! ZZz 4:32 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Happy Bdae Cindy! =D 10:29 PM
As usual .. today woke up at around 12.30pm .. actually gonna pass yipeng the fom book at around 5.30pm .. but that bastard ray keep pestering mi to go wif him earlier .. so in the end .. met yipeng 2 hrs earlier.. studied abit on stats and pacc.. still not bad lar .. got learn some new stuff.. thx ray~ lol! duno y today so suay .. walk pass 2 funeral .. 1 at woodlands 1 at yishun .. zzzzzzz lol. reached home at around 11pm! wakaoz actually wanted to sleep de .. den suddenly remember today got naruto! haha gai sensei damn funny! now he in my top 3 fav character le! haha.. my ranking: 1)Gaara (nobody can replace =p) 2)Itachi 3)Maito Gai =D naruto today was so nice that i reminded every1 on msn to watch lol.. aiyoo damn childish .. dun tok abt naruto anymore! tml going cut hair le .. sch starting mah ... gona cut short till nobdy can reconise lmao.. ok guess thats all... ehh no .. wait .. i gona type longer abit so that ppl cannot c that zyc ugly photo.. flood~ lalala~~ zyc sux~~ puke* booooo~~ lol ermm .. still got wad to blog ar? .. aiyoo studying is damn stress lar! really no mood to study but cannot dun study! walan aaaa!! today nv study much.. cus went out den come back le .. crapped too much on msn.. nxt time study mus log out msn le! stupid msn zzz!..........ohh ya!! and FOM!! BLOODY FOM! MY GRP LIKE HAVEN DO ANYTHIN YET! DIE! GOD BLESS ME =/! bleh! i swear i gona make full use of sat and sun to study! nt gona waste anymore time on 2pid msn! dvd jiayou! erm ... sian .. i wana blog longer lei .. to flood away the ugly picture tf posted .. haha! jkjk! ok la .. end here! zai jian! 4:43 AM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
tingfang rox hihi tingfang here, spreading my propaganda!!! today is Zheng Yuan Chang's bday!! hahah, its my commisson for helping dabian (David) put his counter in the blog [its under the tagboard] BBYEE!! 10:52 PM
hehe .. feel like sharing a cool joke i have jus read! so here it goes! bleh A hippie gets on a bus and spies a pretty young nun. He sits down next to her, and asks her: "Can we have sex?" "No," she replies, "I'm married to God." She stands up, and gets off at the next stop. The bus driver, who overheard, turns to the hippie and says: "I can tell you how to get to have sex with her!" "Yeah?", says the hippie. "Yeah!", say the bus driver. "She goes to the cemetery every Tuesday night at midnight to pray, so all you have to do is dress up in a robe with a hood, put some of that luminous powder stuff in your beard, and pop up in the cemetery claiming to be God." The hippie decides to give it a try, and arrives in the cemetery dressed as suggested on the next Tuesday night. "I am God," he declares to the nun, keeping the hood low about his face. "Have sex with me." The nun agrees without question, but begs him to restrict himself to anal sex, as she is desperate not to lose her virginity. 'God' agrees, and promptly has his wicked way with her. As he finishes, he jumps up and throws back his hood with a flourish. "Ha-ha," he cries. "I'm the hippie!" "Ha-ha," cries the nun. "I'm the bus driver! 3:22 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
![]() Happy B'Day to Reg! lol.. eh! gan dong anot? dedicate 1 whole post just for you leh! =x.. CIP finally over! wasnt as difficult as i had imagined! in fact, it was a piece of cake lol! for the resident i was assigned to tk care of at least :)! i tink the really tough 1 was hui wen's n reg's resident lol.. they kena the really siao ones. >.< The class bbq was also quite fun lar! cycled under the rain with irene.. omg so romantic sia! was on our way cycling back den suddenly rain heavily! suay la! den i told irene some ruo ma stuff and she nearly puked! LOL .. sry! xD this is the first bbq i nv ate anythin sia! grrrr......!!! tink i was the first 1 to reach home cus i took e cab wif ray n malcolm.. poor ray.. alighted at woodlands den go back jurong by mrt lol! next week MST le.. nothing much to study actually for the 1st few chapters of all modules .. CA2 then i confirm die lol.. today when revising for stats.. saw something reg wrote on e stats bk! aiya shall not elaborate anymore! make mi sad only! LOL! and thanks to stats guru hy for e help dis afternoon on e standard deviation duno wad chebyeshev theorem LOL! u really pro lar! *salute* Sad la! this week no naruto =/ gaara going to revive! yeah! lol! o ya! tml got campus superstar! i support Teri! shes so cute! <3!! xD ps: just noticed the spongebob cake has other ppl's name written on it.. but i lazy change lar! so late liao .. haha ! 2:01 AM
Saturday, June 9, 2007
heyhey! long time no see =D finally holiday le!! wheeeeeeeeee!! although theres still alot of projects and work to do.. at least i dont have to wake up so early and squeeze in the mrt dat is packed like sardines ZZ! sleeping wan sui!!! OSIM fom project also over! i think our group overall did quite well =D hope my grp members wont hold any grudge against me cus of e arguments we had during e grp discussion lol! i din mean it tho sometimes i sound very ji dong but i'm not angry at all T.T! and .. next week.. must do CIP!! argh!! might be singing to "entertain" the residents .. and wan to let u guys noe! im not BHB! i noe my singing etc is nt good i jus bhb for fun lo! bleahx!! AND!! raymond is an asshole!! i ask him whether isit ok for me to flirt with her gan mei on friendster and he said that she is easy going type de girl! den i go n send ber a comment "hi mei nu" after 20mins! i kena removed by her!! omg wtfwtf!! LOL before i finish.. here are some pictures of my idol - gaara! =D ![]() ok .. tts abt it! -.-"" lalalalala~~~ *off to bcome nerd* 12:54 AM
Friday, June 1, 2007
1. Start Time: 9.49pm 2. Name: David Tan 3. Nickname: DvD , Zibi 4. Astrology sign:Scorpio 5. Gender:Male 6. Hair color:brown 7. Eye color: Black 8. Height: 176cm 9. Favorite color:light blue 1o. Glasses:yes 11. tattoos: no 12. Birthplace: kk 13. Area code: duno 14. TRUE friends :dun1 say ******HAVE YOU EVER***** 15. cut your own hair? : nope 16. Done something in the past regret?: yes 17. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to? :yes 18. Skipped school? : yes 19. Bungee jumped? : no 2o. Punched someone? : yes 21. Cheated on someone? : yes 22. Been arrested? : nearly 23. Broken into someones house?: no 24. Been to a funeral? :yes 25. Used a lighter? : yes *****FAVORITE***** 26. Season: winter 27. Ice cream flavor: vanila 28. School subject(s) : science 29. Candy: dun like sweets 3o.Breakfast: fried bee hoon 31. Juice: watermelon 32. Book(s): any sci fiction 33. Movie(s): steven chow movie 34. Song(s): jj lin 35. Letter(s): D 36. Favorite fast food restaurant:kfc 37. Disney Princess: none 38. TV station: none 39. Name for a son: .. 4o. Name for a daughter: .. ******DO YOU PREFER***** 41. Chocolate or Vanilla? : vanila 42. Alcoholic or not? : no 43. Scary movies or comedies? : both 44. Short or long hair? : medium 45. Croutons or bacon bits? : ew ******FIRST THINGS THAT COME TO MIND****** 46. Mexicans in general:ang mor 47. School: woodgrove 48. Grass: hair 49. Cow: milk 5o. Canada:red leaf 51. Mouse: disgusting 52. Hands: leg ******THE PAST 3 DAYS, HAVE YOU****** 53. Watched a movie? : yes 54. Talked on the phone?: yes 55. Cried? no 6. Choked?yes , by my own saliva 57. Drank a glass of water? : yes 58. Done Drugs? : no 59. Read a book or magazine? : yes 6o. Watched TV? : yes 61. Looked in the mirror? : yes 62. Taken a shower? : yes 63. Taken a picture? : yes 64. Listened to music? :yes 65. Kissed someone? : nope 66. Told someone you liked them: nope 67. End time: 9.54 9:44 PM