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Friday, February 29, 2008
Sry if im wols. but.. how the FUCK can a limping man escape from the detention centre!?!? im not convinced that he made his escape through the toilet.. cus by right , there should be CCTVs installed in every part of the place right!? so there are only 2 possibilities. either there are spies in the detention centre or he used blackmagic. blahs. did nothing much today .. lalas~ =p ![]() Omg =p! and .. hahas! got e video from my aunt today! but i converted it into mp3 format cus my expression looks damn funny when singing e song. ! anw.. "enjoy"!! 紧紧相依的心如何say goodbye 你比我清楚还要我说明白 爱太深会让人疯狂的勇敢 我用背叛自己完成你的期盼 把手放开不问一句 say goodbye 当作最后一次对你的溺爱 冷冷清清淡淡今后都不管只要你能愉快 10:00 PM
![]() accompanied my cousin to TTSH for her eye specialist appointment at 10.15am. woke up rather early today , at around 6am+. only slept for 3hrs sia.. >_<. then we reached novena mrt station at around 930am? had burgerking for breakfast.. the first breakfast i had in 2months. LOL. cus everytime woke up in the afternoon =.=. hahas. while waiting for my cousin to get her stupid eyes checked.. i sat on e sofa at e waiting area chatting with stella. not really chatting .. more like listening. omg! she never stops talking 1.. she just went on and on for 1hr+ while i just keep nodding my head to whatever she say la. =.=. but no matter what she says .. i still strongly disagree with interracial r/s lar! CRAP! wth.. -_- got so many bloody chinese guys in Singapore.. why must she choose a ............... blahs . forget it! just hope that she can wake up lor. who am i to interfere anyway? after visiting TTSH.. headed to wisma for lunch. =) curry chicken noodle again! hahas. then shopped around there .. mostly girl's clothes. boring ~_~ went to taka to shop awhile also.. see gals stuff again! lol -.- i super sian today lar! argh! then after that .. took train back to woodlands.. went to partyworld with stella and my 2 aunts. =D quite a weird group actually .. half like to sing catonese song .. half like to sing chinese songs. LOL. and i learnt a new canto song today! =x our convo.. me/stella: eh aunt, wad song u want? aunt: chao chee bye me/stella: !!!??? wah.. then in the end really got this song seh! i even recorded it in my phone but lazy to upload though. hahas. then my aunt was like taking video of us all e time when we sing -.-. hard to sing sia lidat! cus must take care of image =x! but got 1 song i sing till quite nice.. "bei pan" by cao ge! will be posting the video once i get it from my aunt. cus its taken from her hp. haha. so stay tune.. =x then later .. went to watch "the eye" at about 9.25pm. we kenna scam sia! its just an ang mor version of "the eyes" by the pang brothers. i mean .. exactly the same .. "the ghost licking charsiew" .. "old man in the lift" .. EVERYTHING. except that it was acted by chao ang mors. thats all! waste our money! -_-" reached home at 1120pm. quite scary taking lift alone after watching e movie seh! lol. >_< thats all today. lalas~ and haiya! have to wait for 1month before getting my new hp cus my contract haven expire. nooooooooooo! changed blog song.. nice song with meaningful MV =D 我不配 这感觉已经不对 我努力在挽回 一些些应该体贴的感觉我没给 你嘟嘴许的愿望很卑微在妥协 是我忽略你不过要人陪 这感觉已经不对 我最后才了解 一页页不忍翻阅的情节你好累 你默背为我掉过几次泪多憔悴 而我心碎你受罪你的美我不配 Ps: why there cant be pure friendship between 2 sexes? =S and i really hope that e "gal" she mentioned is not you though.. sigh* oh wait ..y should i even care anw? lols! 12:07 AM
Thursday, February 28, 2008
results out.. donno whether to be happy or sad. CCB! i got B+ for econs!!!!!!!!!!!! noooooooooooooooooo!! fucking weird lar! those subject i study like mad like pacc and econs i get B+ while those subjects i din study at all scored A ... secure PC and stats. LOL! aiyah .. i think i got the lowest GPA in class liao. 3.4... omfg. but its ok. since im just aiming for a 3 from the beginning.. not going uni. =p! yah .. so heres my results.. no nid ask mi on msn and i also dun wish to noe other ppl's results. LOL. congratz everyone~ =) TADA! 情非得已 难以忘记初次见你 一双迷人的眼睛 在我脑海里 你的身影 挥散不去 握你的双手感觉你的温柔 真的有点透不过气 你的天真 我想珍惜 看到你受委屈 我会伤心 只怕我自己会爱上你 不敢让自己靠的太近 怕我没什么能够给你 爱你也需要很大的勇气 只怕我自己会爱上你 也许有天会情不自禁 想念只让自己苦了自己 爱上你是我情非得已 什么原因 我竟然又会遇见你 我真的真的不愿意 就这样陷入爱的陷阱 10:33 AM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
![]() brothers =D just finished watching e edison sex scandal talk on ppstream.. lol! they actually talked about steven lim -_-" cus he posted a video on youtube to show his support for edison. blahs. throw singapore's face! i think e greatest victim of this scandal should be nicholas tse bah.. betrayed by his wife and bestfriend of 20yrs.. omg! Okay.. enough of kaypoh'ing! hahas =p had lunch at cwp today .. then walked around waiting for rick. then after that .. went to arcade to ask for job.. but they say not hiring atm.. sigh* then just shop around awhile at cwp b4 setting off to tpy for pool! since rick and js is working there later. then after sending them off to work.. took mrt back to cwp to have dinner alone. urgh! so lonely =( but also good lar .. i like to be alone sometimes =] had kfc.. took e window seats even though it was dinner time.. so lucky! lols. then slowly eat and beo e gals outside lor.. aiyah, but not a single nice 1 walk past. >_<. now i know why e window seats all empty ler. >_<. after dinner , went to library. hahaha long long time nvr go! =X. but since its like so near.. just beside kfc. so i just went in lor.. borrowed 2 books o.O.. one about those UFO/mystery kind (reminds me of CJ7 =p) and the other is those self-improvement book lor.. teaches u not to be too emo. LOL! though im not emo now .. but who knows.. it may come handy in e future. haha =x. and also .. i've got too much time on hand now. =) reached home at around 8pm.. then quite surprised to c that my bro alreadi sleeping like a log.. slapped him a few times b4 i went to bath. xD hahas. thats all today! partyworld tmr i think? not cfm though xD. 12:08 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
![]() nice huh? Xp Got banned for hacking in maple today.. time for me to stop wasting my precious time in that stupid game. hahas! but i have to admit, hacking is really fun even in dull 2d games like maplestory. LOL. love pissing people off in games =p! then not much game for me to play ler, since i just reformatted my comp >_< so i just surf friendster to pass time lor.. jump around people's profile. hahas. and i found that guy working at JE arcade.. added him on friendster. LOL. he sux to the core man! everytime ignore me when i want to top out my arcade card.. kept taking photos of himself then made to have to wait damn long before i can play my game. -_-" he is damn fugly can! hope he nvr read this.. LOL. and yay! many outings coming up.. chalet .. iceskating .. pool .. kbox and more! hahas! hope this time e chalet will not be so boring.. i dun1 to do pushups in e middle of the night again! think i will be bringing mahjong.. but i got a feeling that there will be not enough tables/space there if got 2 sets of mahjong. bleh! dont think many people know how to play anyway .. my classm8s are like all so innocent rite? pukes* =p then next sat going iceskating with weiqi and yilok. LOL.. yilok >_< i talk as if i know her damn well. writing here just to remind myself. hahas. watched jay chou's concert on ppstream just now.. it was awesome! now im starting to get addicted to his songs ler.. especially "白色风车" =) lols .. i always like songs i have difficulty singing x_X. thats all for today's entry.. LOL. paiseh.. abit random. nothing much to blog. wahahahas =D 我陪你走到最后 能不能不要回头 你紧紧地抱住我 说你不需要承诺 你说我若一个人会比较自由 我不懂你说什么 反正不会松手 我陪你走到最后 能不能别想太多 会不会手牵着手 晚一点再到尽头 你说不该再相见只为了瞬间 谢谢你让我听见 因为我在等待永远 im okay now.. thks =) 12:59 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
slacked at home e whole day today cus not feeling well.. sigh* when will my bad luck go away.. >_< to all my frds: I'm not emo! @_@ for all edison fans out there~ LOL! nice video! =p 2:07 AM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
![]() went for interview at JE with ray and ym ytd.. aiyah! many stupid things happen lar! not going to blog about it.. suan ler! =/ e interview was quite unsuccessful i wld say.. met alot of weird people outside today .. first was at woodlands mrt.. then got this 30yr old man trying to throw a can into e dustbin at quite a long distance lor .. about 2-3m.. so fking childish! and WTH! i was right infront of him lor.. the can nearly hit me sia >< then i saw a few people laughing, i think is cus of e way i dodge the can bah .. damn lame lahs. he think he acting kungfu dunk isit.. :S then went in e mrt..met an idoit listening to mp3 and singing along with it! sing like shit still so loud! ARgH! somemore he kept looking at me while singing some song with mushy lyrics.... stupid day! sigh* time to sleep. lalas~ =) Why do people have to lose things to find out what they really mean? 2:47 AM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
funny video... but not everyone can understand though. hahahaha! 5:49 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
fucking cockroaches! i swear im gonna kill all of u one day! u wait! 爱海滔滔 试着去努力鼓起勇气放弃你 总是不争气没有这么快学会安静 就连眼泪时刻在提醒根本无法放得下你 漆黑的夜晚还是找到了我排山倒海来袭 一定是我不够好所以你才想要逃 逃到天涯和海角躲在别人的怀抱 你能不能不管过得好不好 不要故意躲开不让我知道 只要你过得很好什么都已不重要 我不会故意打扰更不会让你烦恼 我每一夜不管你知不知道 傻傻流着眼泪默默的祈祷 希望你过得好 总有一天你会看到 爱如海掀起惊天巨滔 我会以无坚不摧的力量 让你知道 1:00 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
![]() nice pic ^^ ARGH! my plans for e whole day was ruined by my stupid laptop today! woke up at 11am sharp.. then surf online forum, its an online forum that discusses hacking in game. so i went on to try.. changed some of my comp setting in order to bypass the firewall in some stupid games.. and boom! comp cannot open after i restart. WTH! then went to my desktop to search for solutions online but to no avail.. -_-.. was cursing damn loud at that time although i was e only one at home. then called Sp laptop service desk for help.. an old man picked up e phone..after i described e problem to him.. he just kept saying "jialat..jialat.." -_-" got me even more worried.. then i quickly change clothes n travel all the way to SP.. 1hr ride. wth =(! had grilled chicken pasta at Fc4 before i went to e IT room.. cus i reached there too early.. 2hrs earlier than e timeslot i booked. the standard of e pasta dropped alot sia.. different people selling.. like almost tasteless 1. blehx. then went into e room lor! wth . located at 7th floor.. i climbed all e way up from e 1st floor... din notice there was a lift beside the stairs untill i reached the 6th floor.. OMG! stupid me.. then was sweating like hell lar! then e guy say he also donno how to solve my problem.. wanted to tell me bring to fujitsu centre to get it fixed 1 .. but bu shun lu .. have to travel damn far .. so i just tell him to reformat my comp and see. and lucky me .. problem solved after reformatting =) phew! but .. all my zipai photos and self recorded songs all gone! GRRR! LOL. aiyaah .. dun care.. can play game and msn ok ler. =) met up with stella at around 430pm to play pool.. saw her friend.. crazy 1 .. lovesick girl.. LOL. then went to play pool lor! loser pay.. i lost! 3-5.. sigh* unlucky day.. reached home .. tutor my bro physics while surfing net and chatting on msn. =p! hmmm aiyah .. thats all today lar.. hope my bad luck faster go away. =p Don't cry over someone who won't cry over you.. 12:33 AM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
watched "jumpers" today with my secondary school clique.. i find the show ok-ok nia .. about a man who knows how to teleport.. i hate the bloody sound effect man! so loud when he teleports.. -_-" then made me jump up alot of times. lol. since i have nothing much to blog today .. shall do e quiz py gave me a few weeks ago. hahas .. see! i so good.. told ya i dont anyhow "fu yan" people =p so here it goes .. 1. How many people have you kissed in this month on the lips? - 1.. my baby cousin. LOL. pui! =x 2. What's your middle name? - shi 3. Would you rather spend a whole day with your mum or your dad? - dad 4. Where will you be 12 hours from now? - erm.. lalaland? i sleep more than 12hrs ;) 5. Is it easy for others to make you feel sad? - nope. only family or maybe bestfrd/gf 6. Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow? - not wearing anything tmr. 7. Wheres your girlfriend/boyfriend at? - skip** 8. Why did your last relationship end? - dont know 9. Does anyone hate you for no reason? - alot.. ask them go die =x 10. Can you make yourself cry? - yeah.. 12. Play an instrument? - piano? but super noob though 13. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? - yup. wanna spend more time with my grandpa 14. What are your favorite color(s)? - black , white , blue 15. Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an R? - R ... nope 16. What are you doing tomorrow? - shopping , looking for jobs and many things. xD 17. Are you easily confused? - nah. i know what i want =D 18. Do you think you would make a good wife/husband? - definitely. hahas! 19. What's your favorite kind of ice cream? - vanila. in fact , i only like this flavour. ^^ 20. Are you tall? - average 21. Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap? - yup 22. Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color? - no wayyyy 23. What is your sock's colour? - white ,grey , black.. err nvr really notice . lol 24. Has anyone ever borrowed something? - duh! 25. Do you fall for people who jokes easily? - no 26. Everything happens for a reason? - nah .. 27. Do you like someone more than a friend? - of cus 28. Who have you texted in the last 2 days? - lazy to name all out.. 29. What are you listening to right now? - wo bu pei 30. How has the week been? - SUCKY! FAILED MY BASIC THEORY! OMG!? 31. Is there something you wish you could tell ? - yes.. but dun say better. =X dumb quiz .. so many stupid questions. LOL. not doing anymore in e future =p! offtopic** are comments so important in friendster? kept kenna the "View no comment?" comments.. fan si ren......................... 11:56 PM
So.. i failed my basic theory test today. >_< ARGH! so embarrassing! -_- my 6$ down the drain.. lols. money is nvm.. but the next time slot i booked must wait damn long! 8th of may.. ArgH??? why cant they build more classroom or something instead of making people waiting for so long to take such a no-brainer test? grrrrr.. how come i fail!? sigh* -_-" anw .. i dont really feel sad or what lahs.. not in a hurry to drive. hehe =p. after failing the test , accompanied my grandma to jurong point. hahas, since she is leaving singapore tmr for quite a long period .. so i decided to pei her more. =) see! so filial. hahas.. she damn shiok sia.. going bangkok for 10 days .. then after that .. go taiwan 8days .. then hongkong .. then when she reached singapore .. she going genting with me. omg? lols. she sure knows how to enjoy. =p! brought her to the arcade to watch me play bball.. all the people there were quite noob today. LOL! then good lor .. i can show off my skills =p! then play till halfway .. saw that stupid raymond and yiming. -_-" then raymond took e bball machine beside me .. trying to challenge my score. reason being: got 1 xmm watching me play. argh! cunning guy! LOL! then in the end .. he broke e high score lor. and the xmm clapped for him. what the fuck.. steal all my performance. i shall revenge one day! muhahaha jk! =p! then after that.. went to cwp cus my grandma wanna fetch shihan. then saw my grandma frds there .. then they keep chit chatting. e auntie say i bcome shuaier since e last time she saw me. woohoo! lols. then i just chat in teochew with them.. though i only listen and nvr really speak before. and wah.. i realised my teochew is alot more fluent than my english sia.. LOL. my english sux. blehs. then picked shihan and went home. LOLs hes getting cuter! xD. but donno why hes still super afraid of me.. i tried to smile more when im with him now but still no use.. sigh* =( tts all today. year 2008 is indeed a bad year. BLAHS. basic also can fail. >_< blog off now =) ** changed blog song to "an jing". one of e very few songs i like singing to gals. hahas .. oops! =p 安静 你要我说多难堪我根本不想分开 为什么还要我用微笑来带过 我没有这种天份包容你也接受他 不用担心的太多我会一直好好过 你已经远远离开我也会慢慢走开 为什么我连分开都迁就着你 我真的没有天份安静的没这么快 我会学着放弃你是因为我太爱你 12:13 AM
Monday, February 18, 2008
![]() woke up quite early today .. around 8+.. maple'd and chat on msn untill 3pm++ then decided to go out to study .. cus at home too many distractions. hahas. so.. in the end , went to civic library to study. it was super duper crowded today..! at first i thought they were giving out free gift or something today .. nvr c library so crowded before.. lols. but not many chiobus to beo though .. i think the ratio is like 2:100?? hahas .. but ok lahs .. good. wont get distracted.. =p. studied for around 1 hr .. received a call from ric, asking me to play pool with him cus his auntie just tio 4d -_-" lols . then i packed my stuff and waited him at e mrt station. I wanted to play pool at amk hub initially.. but then we kept chatting .. in the end .. board the wrong train. -_-" so .. changed e venue to JE. then we played pool .. =) i won again! lols! 4-2.. but i have to admit that his skill like suddenly improved damn fast.. maybe even better than me.. but aiya .. im too lucky ler ^_^ lols. reached home at around 830pm. took e same lift with a gal .. forgot which floor she lives .. she damn pro sia.. although we dono each other .. she remembered which floor i stay -_-.. i entered e lift abit later than her then she just pressed "12" and another number.. lols. =p! yeah .. thats all today! im damn tired.. blehs. basic theory test tmr ^_^... fail i suicide. =D aiyah jk .. better dun talk BIG .. everytime i talk big oways end up with bad things .. blahs. i sure fail tmr ..... *touch wood* Xp not emoing anymore..im tired! hahs 12:15 AM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
stayed at home the whole day. wanted to study for test but in the end .. nvr study at all. only 1-2 pages.. cus e content like quite lame ..dunno wad slow down when raining .. etc .. -_-" think im going to get depression very soon ..keep staying at home for so long... must go out more often from tmr onwards! =p! sianz... =( 你不在 当世界只剩下这床头灯 你那边是早晨已经出门 我侧身感到你在转身 无数陌生人正在等下一个绿灯 一再错身彼此脆弱的时分 如果渴望一个吻的余温 我关了灯黑暗把我拼吞 你不在当我最需要爱你却不在 无尽等待像独白般难挨 你不在高兴还是悲哀你都不在 我受了伤在偷偷好起来 但你不在不在 时间再按下许多次快门 沉默里听见转动的秒针 一个人吃饭这个凌晨 孤单一人份 你低声说你有别人 我的话筒只有自己的体温 怎样认真也不一定成真 你说的对我不得不承认 你不在当我最需要爱你却不在 无尽等待像独白的难挨 你不在高兴还是悲哀你都不在 我受了伤再偷偷好起来但你不在 那些摇摆我都明白都明白 但你不在爱已不在不在 你不在当我最需要爱你却不在 一个人分饰两角的恋爱 你不在高兴还是悲哀你都不在 像空气般不存在的存在 再没有痕迹的爱你不在 当我需要你的爱你不在 1:16 AM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
![]() went to vivo today with my grandma and my cousin cus she kept complaining that i always spend time with friend and neglected her -_-" hahas. had dinner at food republic.. ate curry chicken noodles. damn spicy lahs .. the curry here >_< drank 2 cans of pepsi.. then after that .. walked around vivo.. bought a white jacket from ip zone.. since all my jackets are black de.. lols. but it sure look damn gay though. hahas. =p watched ah long pte ltd at around 920pm.. the show was super duper long sia .. at first i thought it wld be finished at around 1030 .. then in the end .. i think it finish at around 11.15pm. then made us have to rush for the last train.. blahs. i have to say that this show is nice .. much much nicer than dunk n cj7. =p reached home at around 1am.. been a long time since i reach home so late >_< the last time was .. erm ..the time i was sending jas home bah .. LOL! stupid robinsons working hours! =x. thats all today. super duper tired .. =p. and.. i jus noticed that my basic theory test is just 2 more days away! and i think i've lost e book raymond gave me .. uh oh... lols. someone remind me on msn to study tmr please? blehs! hope wont fail .. else have to waste another 2 months waiting for e next test. WTH. but seriously .. i think only idoits can fail basic bah .. HAHA! god bless me! >_< -confused 1:52 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
![]() Its Single awareness day today! =x im lucky i guess .. nvr kenna chop carrot head by the florist. lmao just kidding.=p spent my day playing counter-strike at home.. cus emo mah.. lonely v day =/. playing cs can distract my mind .. wont think so much. so long nvr play im still quite pro.. top score for almost every map i play. hahas.. hais! such a pity i nvr join WCG. LOL jk. dun feel like chatting then nvr log in msn for the whole day .. only logged in for 10mins+ cus my frd tell me to send them some bots for maple. lols. oops! dun report me! =x. around 12am .. there were fireworks outside my house seh! cus my house is quite close to malaysia .. =D nice! wanted to take pics but e fireworks were too far.. then my lousy hp camera cannot zoom in. wth =.=. it lasted for around an hour.. =)din noe malaysian also got so many rich people.. lols . heard from hendri that u nid around 10k to buy those things required for e firework. =O). my ah ma asked me if i wanna follow her to bangkok next week.. for 10 days.. -_-" still considering. i'd rather use the money for e plane ticket to buy myself a new hp. haha. and 10 days is abit too long ler~ but the pasar malam there is tempting.. wanna get myself a new wallet =D aiyaa .. see first bah. =p going out tmr.. kbox next week. yay! =D. ok.. cya! 屋頂 *[周]半夜睡不著覺 把心情哼成歌 只好到屋頂找另一個夢境 [嵐]睡夢中被敲醒 我還是不確定 怎會有動人旋律在對面的屋頂 我悄悄關上門 帶著希望上去 原來是我夢裡常出現的那個人 [周]那個人不就是我夢裡那模糊的人 我們有同樣的默契 用天線 [合]用天線 排成愛你的形狀 Ho~Ho~ [嵐]在屋頂唱著你的歌 [周]在屋頂和我愛的人 [嵐]讓星星點綴成 [合]最浪漫的夜晚 擁抱這時刻 這一分一秒全都停止 [周]愛開始糾結 [嵐]在屋頂唱著你的歌 [周]在屋頂和我愛的人 [嵐]將泛黃的夜獻 [合]給最孤獨的月 擁抱這時刻 這一分一秒全都停止 [周]愛開始糾結 [合]夢有你而美 Repeat all once [嵐]讓我愛你是誰 [周]是我 [嵐]讓你愛我是誰 [周]是妳 [嵐]怎會有 [合]動人旋律環繞在我倆的身邊 [嵐]讓我愛你是誰 [周]是我 [嵐]讓你愛我是誰 [周]是妳 [嵐]原來是 [合]這屋頂有美麗的邂逅 [周]在屋頂唱著你的歌 在屋頂和我愛的人 1:15 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
![]() stayed at home the whole day cus not much money left for me to spend >_< used up alot of my cny money in the past 3 days.. but end up .. it was a wise decision for me to stay at home! hahas. 2 relatives came to my house today.. tadah! $_$ u guys gonna think extra 2 angpaos only right? but! e angpao damn big! 50$ inside! LOL. happy! thinking of what to buy now.. LOL!. but of cus .. money hard to earn.. >_< kenna shoot alot of questions by them.. relatives: wah! long time no c bcome more handsome liao eh? dvd: huh? long time ago i alreadi very shuai liao mah.. relatives: -__-" speechless 3mins* then .. after that .. keep asking questions liao.. wad course u study .. wad gpa .. when get gf .. decide when married .. wad uni wanna go .. etc. FAN SI REN! .. then after that .. they went to e living room to have dinner .. i immediately close my room de door. lols. =pp! then they also nvr come in disturb.. lucky me =p. only when they leave then i go out and say bye! hehes. tmr is an emo day........... =( anyway .. single also not bad lah .. better than staying in a r/s where u dun love each other right? true love hard to find.. eek! hahas .. suddenly i think alot! yeah! maybe i have grown up le. hahas =x 非你莫属 懂得让我微笑的人 再没有谁比你有天份 轻易闯进我的心门 明天的美梦你完成 整个宇宙 浩瀚无边的尽头 每颗渺小星球 全都绕着你走 爱我非你莫属 我只愿守护 由你给我的幸福 爱我非你莫属 也许会笑着哭 但那人是你所以 不怕苦 ☆o0o0o0o0o0o☆ 爱我非你莫属 我只愿守护 由你给我的幸福 爱我非你莫属 也许会笑着哭 但那人是你所以 不怕苦 那人是你所以 不怕苦... 0o0不怕苦☆ 12:46 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
![]() Watched CJ7 at vivo today.. quite disappointing.. was expecting alot more from stephen chow. 2.5/5 stars for this show. haha.. but some parts of it are quite touching lah.. i almost cried T_T. went to the pet shop 10mins before the movie start.. omg! so rush sia.. at 1st we were like walking around outside e cinema .. beoing chiobus .. but waited for quite long also cannot spot any chiobu den decided to go to e pet shop. haha.. today e dogs damn active sia.. keep knocking their head against e glass when i walk past. lols. had mac for dinner.. weird! mac for dinner sia.. quite rare. lol. ordered the new meal .. forgot is what name ler .. pepper chicken burger or something x_X.. not very nice and 1$ more expensive than Mcspicy meal =(.. then went home =) reached home at around 11pm? offtopic*** why some people say i look beng ah!? i dun smoke .. dun drink .. nvr spout vulgarities! then e clothes i wear .. also not those flashy colors kind .. no earings no tattoo etc! why say i chao ah beng!!!!!!!!????? -______-"" hate people calling mi ah beng! sooo low class! u can call me any nicks u like but not chao ah beng! argh!!! 回到过去 想回到过去试著抱你在怀里羞怯的脸带有一点稚气 想看你的看的世界,想在你梦的画面 只要靠在一起就能感觉甜蜜想回到过去试著让故事继续 至少不再让你离我而去分散时间的注意 这次会抱得更紧这样挽留不知还来不来得及想回到过去 1:17 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
woke up today with a bad sorethroat and an extra ulcer.. Wth! >_<. din go for the kbox outing today cus cant sing properly and watching other people singing my favourite song is like killing myself. LOL. sian'ed day. but nvm.. save money ^_^. anyone wanna watch cj7? =D find it so hard to let go... bad year bad start bad everything! =[ 12:53 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hellos~ hahas.. went to marina sq today with half of the class. had seoul garden for lunch .. costs me a bomb man! 25 bucks! actually i dun wana go in after knowing e price de .. but then i c everyone like so ok with it then nvm lor.. use some money from my winnings during CNY. my luck suddenly dam good lah! horoscope is true afterall. wahahaha! it says my bad luck ends after jan this year.. i won close to 10 times in a row playing mahjong.. li hai bah? im damn proud of myself okay.. xD after around 2 hrs of eating burnt chicken .. we went to watch jay's newest movie "kungfu dunk". it was quite nice overall .. 4/5 stars. hehex =p. first time i think that jay is shuai.. =x. funny movie lah.. espeically the beginning. makes me feel like playing basketball again.. LOL. though i am not that good with basketball .. but im damn confident when it comes to dribbling of the ball .. lolol.. i know how to do many stunts .. pattern more than badminton! haha! practiced alot on dribbling when i was in sec1. =p then bowling with hendri.. 1vs1! haha.. with yp , ys and sheery watching.. loveee audience! LOL. espeically for kbox! =x! broke 2 nails in e process of playing. wth! dam painful lah! anyway .. both of us quite off form today .. but lucky the lane beside us was noob playing. wahahaha! then nvr throw face lor. phew! i remember 2 yrs ago .. i lost to a 7-8 yrs old in bowling .. -_-.. so malu .. he was scoring like 150+ for every round. crazy.. pool'ed with yp later .. i feel that he was on form today lah .. improved alot since we last played .. but .. luck is on my side! lots of tyco balls for me.. LOL! so in the end .. won 2-1. ^_^! then went to e damn ulu foodcourt at level 3.. gossiped here and there .. hahas .. my views on gals has changed now.. blahs! >_< then took e same train as yp.. chatted alot! so many things to chat with him sia! chatted about BGR and the correct way of singing etc .. hahahas! and alot of "bu neng shuo de mi mi".. nice nice! reached home at around 10pm+. thats all for today! omg .. i spent more than 15mins on this entry. break record =p found this cute picture online.. ![]() wishing everyone happy valentine's day in advanced. hehes. and a reminder to those who are attached! dun ask mi out on dis day! last yr got 1 asshole ask mi out den in the end i became lightbulb! wth! lols jk! =x! aiyayaya .. blog off now! bye! =) 记得爱 天空不断下着无声的雪 而我只有思念 勉强能温暖黑夜 拥抱离我已经千山万水 每个男人都有 说不出的心碎 oh yeah 我还爱着一个人但愿 回到美好的从前 也许痛的感觉 证明了爱的深浅 不然为什么我还不撤退 oh~ 记得爱所有幸福的片段 所以才一直忘记要离开 伸出手继续勇敢付出我的爱 原地不动的等待 就算风把我的头发吹乱 记得爱是我给过的答案 就不再考虑应该不应该 一滴泪落进无边无际的大海 至少我们都活得没有遗憾 只要记得爱就无所谓孤单 1:59 AM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
![]() Had reunion dinner today =) gambling luck is not bad. won $5 from blackjack/daidee. its quite a large amount already considering the fact that we were betting like 10-20 cents for every round. lol.. =p! drank lots of beer today also.. forfeit of the forehead-card game or whatever it is called. hahas. hmmm guess thats all.. hope can get big angpaos tmr! good luck to myself! and .. happy chinese new year everyone! ^_^ 1:36 AM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
![]() woke up at 9am+ today.. only slept like 3hrs +. zzz! then went to partyworld at civic centre.. took e early bird package which is 11-2pm but we were late for about half an hour .. but then the manager still only let us sing till 2pm .. so becomes 1130-2pm. geez.. i always thought the timing in partyworld is much more flexible than kbox .. i was wrong. im gonna boycott partyworld from now on.. after singing , went to the toilet outside ptworld.. guess who i met!? yee teng and her bf! lol. at 1st i din c yt cus she was in the toilet .. only saw her bf .. though i nvr see her bf before in rl .. but his face looks quite alike to the one i saw in friendster lah .. so we sort of stare at each other for quite a long time untill yt came out from toilet and intro me to him.. bleh. mmm ok.. not bad. he looks shuaier in rl! LOL. good taste yt! hehe =p then went to cwp .. walk around. like 3 months never step in cwp liao.. even though i always pass by woodlands mrt station.. and wow .. woodgrove sec sailormoon getting more and more chio! LOL! why i nvr born a few years later .. sigh* then go singtel shop .. to look for hp.. think i have made up my mind le! i wanna buy w910i! quite a nice phone! even though i feel that the red one is nicer .. but i think im gonna get the black 1 .. cus i nvr c guy using the red 1 before. later ppl say i ah gua or something. -_-" had lunch at pizza hut.. not nice one.. hmph! .. tmr cny le! angpaos! but ... also .. the "why no gf" question. ahhhh fk that! -_-" looking for temp gf!~!~ hahas. =p! ok.. tts all. cya! wish everyone happy new year! hehehe! $_$! Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... just be an illusion. Javan 12:50 AM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
![]() Happy CNY everyone~! hehe =p will be going partyworld at civic centre tmr .. long time nvr go there le. ^^ and this time .. i got no ulcers! wahahaha.. first time i can sing properly -__-" spent my whole day watching naruto manga.. watched from episode 321-383.. around 9 mins per episode.. din plan to watch so many in a row actually .. but bobian .. too addictive ler! cant believe i cried watching some stupid comic. =x. die.. getting more n more emo ler! must stop this -_-! about 1 week to v day.. hmmmm lonely this year again! hmph..! any gals to intro? hahas jk! im not that despo. =p .. but i hope i can find e right one b4 i enter NS though.. singlehood is boring! attached at least can choose to spend time with frd , gf or family .. more alternatives.. hahas... watching jj lin's new drama now.. lol! i rarely watch taiwan love drama cus all of them sux big time! with ultra predictable storyline and the love also feels soo .. unreal. not nice at all.. but since he is jj lin .. i give him face. hehe =p! anyway .. the show is called "原來我不帥".. and the way he talks sounds like me alot! super duper BHB. lols.. aiya .. blogging off* cyas! 我难过的是 放弃你 放弃爱 放弃的梦被打碎 忍住悲哀 我以为 是成全 你却说你更不愉快 我难过的是 忘了你 忘了爱 尽全力忘记我们 真心相爱 也忘了告诉你 失去的不能重来 2:42 AM
Monday, February 4, 2008
im so confused right now .. why do people have to give mixed signals all the time.. like means like .. dun like means dun like wad.. as easy as abc hate playing guessing game -_-" and now .. DvD presents .... my own rendition of the song "pu tong peng you" by tao zhe. hehes! my 1st time uploading songs. do support yea? LOL cant record the whole song as my phone has insufficient memory. 32mb card nia! stupid phone~ changing soon :) anyway.. i suck at this song. especially the chorus part.. sounded reaaaal funny but im lazy to record again cus it takes too much time and its tiring singing the same song over and over again! yea .. so only sing once lor. lol=p looking forward to the kbox outing with stella tomorrow.. too bad del cant make it cus of school stuff.. and hx the mia gal also. :S! okay, so .. here's the picture of the day. hahas! my 2nd favourite anime character.. zaraki kenpachi (: ![]() 2:52 AM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
IM FEELING SO SIAN MAN........! anyway.. i have switched to watching manga for both naruto and bleach.. waiting for the anime is gonna take forever! they kept beating around the bush every week and going out of the storyline.. -_-.. and .. the reason y itachi is not killing sasuke is out! in the latest manga.. not giving any spoiler here.. watch urself! hahas.! =p. Cny coming soon .. thinking of raiding woodgrove sec staff room for ang paos! lols xP! Guardian angel 是否记得初次相遇的情境 从汽球纷飞的那刻起 我的爱意写满你的名 是否记得守护天使的游戏 从我抽到你的卡片起 不再是一个人的回忆 或许未来有快乐也有艰辛 我会把你紧抱在怀里 永远不让你为爱哭泣 如果天空只剩最后 一颗闪烁的星 我会让它为你照亮孤寂 让幸福为你指引~ 总有一天你会看到 Guardian Angel 降临 那是我的心一直在守护着你 爱是我们唯一的约定 如果天空只剩最后 一颗闪烁的星 我会让它为你照亮孤寂 让幸福为你指引~ 总有一天你会看到 Guardian Angel 降临 那是我的心一直在守护着你 天使它一定能够~感应 3:42 AM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
![]() 1st day of my long holiday =) nvr do anything much.. stayed at home e whole day playing maple.. hahas. 2nd job advancement liao. think im gonna stop here.. playing this game is such a waste of time.. gonna go out and enjoy myself before serving NS. GRRRR!! hate it man! hmmm.. shihan came to my house around 5pm but too bad cant play with him cus he was sick.. then he just slept all the way untill 10pm. sigh.. then i just watch tv lor~ so sianz! chatted with stella on msn at around midnight till morning.. she was complaining about e problems she face working in pizza hut lar .. what got 1 bestfriend backstab her or something.. lols. not interested in that. but what is shocking is that .. her bestfriend's bf who is e manager is .. 50 yrs old! -__-" older than my father.. then her bestfrd was like abusing authority or smthing lor .. n makes her damn bu shuang.. work politics. >_< hmmm okay. shall end here. really nothing much to blog nowdays. haha 3:47 AM
Friday, February 1, 2008
EXAMS OVER! FINALLY.. XD went to marina sq after exam to meet jq. omg! that bloody gay was late for half an hour! had claypot chicken rice at the foodcourt.. lol! i din noe marina sq has a foodcourt untill today -_-"" it was located at e third storey .. i anyhow walk here n there and found it de. anw.. the food sucks lar.. went at dinner time and the foodcourt also like empty 1 -.-. after that , played pool at je cus the pool at marina sq was too expensive. 12$ per hr.. about 2.5 times more expensive than je -_-" but the worst 1 is at vivo though.. 12.50$/hr and the table is .. 7ft! super mini sized table.. lols. looking for job now.. yawns. boring life >_< changed blog song again.. yi qian nian yi hou.. one of the song i find it hardest to sing >< lol 一千年以后 心跳乱了节奏 梦也不自由 爱是个绝对承诺不说 撑到一千年以后 放任无奈淹没尘埃 我在废墟之中守着你走来 我的泪光承载不了 所有一切你(需)要的爱 因为在一千年以后 世界早已没有我 无法深情挽着你的手 浅吻着你额头 别等到一千年以后 所有人都遗忘了我 那时红色黄昏的沙漠 能有谁 解开缠绕千年的寂mo 12:17 AM